This new reference system represents a major breakthrough to ensure the international traceability of the measurements of beta emitting radionuclides.
It is the result of a project conducted under the auspices of the Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation. This project brought together experts from the BIPM and various National Metrology Institutes: P. Cassette (LNHB, France), R. Broda (Polatom, Poland), S. Jerome (NPL, UK), K. Kossert (PTB, Germany), H. Liu (NIM, China).
The latest validation studies have been published: Coulon R.M., Broda R., Cassette P., Courte S., Jerome S., Judge S., Kossert K., Liu H., Michotte C., Nonis M. The international reference system for pure β-particle emitting radionuclides: an investigation of the reproducibility of the results, Metrologia, 2020,
More information on BIPM website.