ICRM Nuclear Decay Data Working Group
The ICRM Nuclear Decay Data Working Group (NDDWG) was formally approved at the ICRM General Meeting, Vienna, June 2015. (It replaces the defunct Non-Neutron Nuclear Data Working Group.) It aims to provide a forum for discussion between the decay data measurement community and the Decay Data Evaluation Project (DDEP) evaluators and to facilitate awareness and communication between ICRM members interested in the measurement, calculation, compilation and evaluation of decay data, and the maintenance of computer-based decay data files (including half-lives; energies and emission probabilities of alpha and beta particles, gamma and x-rays, conversion and Auger electrons; internal conversion coefficients; transition types; and other relevant parameters, with their uncertainties).
Members of the NDDWG are encouraged to use the Working Group to communicate experimental and theoretical work, relevant evaluation procedures, their decay data problems, and to establish methodologies that are fully consistent with the satisfactory production of recommended decay data. Associated topics are regularly presented during the NDDWG session, which is part of the main ICRM Conference, and at dedicated Working Group meetings, often organized in connection with the DDEP workshops/training sessions. More information on the DDEP is available here.
The WG coordinator’s annual report is available in the ICRM Newsletters.
The current WG coordinator is Mark A. Kellett of CEA/LNHB.
NDDWG and DDEP members are also strongly involved in the realization of Coordinated Research Projects lead by the IAEA.
ICRM Nuclear Data Session
A specific session during the biennial ICRM Conference is dedicated to Nuclear Decay Data and often includes presentations on new data measurements, calculations or evaluations, and techniques being developed.
Useful links
- BIPM Monographie
https://www.bipm.org/en/publications/scientific-output/monographie-ri-5.html - INIS References database
http://www.iaea.org/inis/ - Calculation of internal conversion coefficients with BrIcc program
http://physics.anu.edu.au/nuclear/bricc/ - Atomic Mass Data Center
http://amdc.impcas.ac.cn/ - National Nuclear Data Center
http://www.nndc.bnl.gov - INEEL γ-ray spectrometry center, provides Gamma Ray Spectrum Catalogues
http://www4vip.inl.gov/gammaray/index.shtml - NIST, X-ray transition energies
http://www.physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayTrans/index.html - X-ray data booklet
http://xdb.lbl.gov/ - k0 database
http://www.kayzero.com - IAEA Nuclear Data Section
http://www-nds.iaea.org/ - NEA-DB: Nuclear Data Files
This site is non-commercial. Materials and manufacturers are cited only for information purposes and citation does not mean that the site host or the working group recommend or support these materials. Any hyperlinks are only given for convenience and do not imply any support from the working group, the International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology or the French Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives.
The opinions presented in this site are those of the ICRM working group moderated by the coordinator.